Automatic Available vs Automatic Work

Posted: August 5, 2006 by sankar in IPCC Express

Automatic Work setting is at the CSQ level (Or at Agent Based Routing settings level) (Default Disabled).

Automatic Available setting is available for each agent. (Default Enabled)

Default settings make the agent go to Ready status immediately.

Automatic Work Settings override Automatic available setting set at agent level, when Automatic work is enabled.  No matter what the Automatic available setting is, if Automatic Work is set to enabled, agent goes into Work state after terminating the call. The length of the time he/she will be in Work state is determined by the Wrapup time period. (Upto 7200 seconds)

If Automatic Work is disabled, and Automatic available enabled under that agent, the agent is pushed to Ready status after the call

If Automatic Work is disabled, and Automatic available disabled under the agent,  the agent is pushed to Not-ready status after the call.

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